A Buying Guide to Home Water Coolers and Dispensers

There are many types of water coolers and water dispenser add-ons to consider installing in your kitchen. Regardless of brand, there are plenty of attributes to a quality water cooling system that you should look for in a water dispenser.

Anti-boil-dry heating systems are essential components of ensuring long term water quality in your home, if tap water may not be safe or available near you. The tray beneath the water dispenser can also contain a hidden bottom compartment that stores and refilters excess water through your water dispenser.

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Water coolers should always be Energy Star approved and possess an innovative design that allows you to alter the temperature of water or shape of ice you would like distributed to your beverage. Lights on the unit are essential components to ensure that you can see the water coolers at all times, even when searching for a late-night refreshment.

Office water coolers are also useful and easily refillable. These units are applicable to three-gallon and five-gallon tanks of water that rest on top. In office spaces, water coolers are common locations for quick conversation and small talk with colleagues.

Hydration is an essential part of staying active, alert, and productive in everyday life, from the office to the gym to the family time at home. Be sure to ask about all options of water coolers before finding the one that works best for your home life.

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