In this video, you will learn about replacing your water heater. When you think it is time for your water heater to be replaced, make sure you do not wait to do this as waiting could cause more issues. When replacing a water heater, the first thing you are going to want to do is to drain it. After you drain it, there is a valve that will open the bottom.
A common issue is a corrosion that might seal it shut. There also might be earthquake straps, so make sure you do not lose them. The earthquake straps are screwed into the studs of the house. When you are buying a new water heater, you will want to make sure you get one that works for your home. You also need to make sure that you check that your venting is still intact. You may have to rework the heating and vents out through the ceiling. Some of the new water heaters automatically light. There is a lot to know about water heaters. Keep watching this video for more information.