Haunted houses are an important part of celebrating Halloween. There are many haunted houses made in nearly every community, both professional and amateur, and all meant to give the visitors some scary fun. In this video, a twelve-year-old boy uses his homemade haunted house to raise money for a good cause. Inspired by a friend with muscular dystrophy, he charges admission and donates all the proceeds to the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation, which researches treatments for the disease.
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According to the video, this was his second year doing the fundraiser. He says that he wants to give people the best experience that he can in his garage’s haunted house, balancing the fear and the fun of the visit. By charging three dollars for children and five dollars for adults, he raised three hundred dollars the year before. This year, he plans to raise four hundred and seems on target to do so.
While fundraisers are often seen as large, corporate events, smaller fundraisers play an equally important role in charity work. Small-scale projects based out of the home can have a much more personal impact than other types like corporate tournaments.
Often, the fundraiser is inspired by something or someone in the creator’s life. In the case of the video, the boy had a good friend who suffered from muscular dystrophy. And while the money he raises might look like peanuts in comparison to the thousands that larger organizations can donate, it still has an impact. And it makes for a good local news story, which then draws even more attention to the cause and can hopefully make it grow in the future. In fact, these smaller charity fundraisers can often be the start of something that eventually develops into a much larger event.
While opening an elaborate haunted house in a garage might lead to some headaches for the homeowners, such as the risk of needing to replace the doors with residential garage door installation if the doors get damaged in the crowd, this risk is often considered to be worth it by the homeowners. They know that they can make a difference in their community or for a particular cause. And, especially when it comes to events run by children, they know that this can impact their child’s sense of duty and justice as they grow up.
This twelve-year-old will eventually be an adult with a voice in society. And if they’re already acclimated to doing the right thing for others, they will be able to easily move into a position where they can and will do even more good for their community.