Family Study Room Ideas for Kids

Designing a study room for your kids can be tricky. There are many factors that you have to put in mind to give your children a comfortable study environment. If you don’t know where to start, we have several family study room ideas to get you started.

Whether you’re designing the study room for kids undergoing early childhood education or for your college-going kids, the bottom line is to make the room the best place in the house to study – with minimum distractions. You’ll also have to cater to the specific needs of the children. For example, if you have a child with a learning disorder, you’ll have to implement a special environment for their learning. Let’s go through these family study room ideas for your kids.

Select the Best Room

The first step is to choose the right place or room. Different houses have different designs and structures, and the choice will largely be based on personal judgment as a parent. Sometimes, there is no room to choose from, and you have to create space within occupied sections or rooms in the house. For example, you can reserve a corner of the dining area as a study area for your kids.

When choosing a room or corner, you should consider access to any form of distractions such as TV. Give preferences to rooms or corners that keep them far away from distractions. The ideal location is the quietest room or area of your house. The children should be able to shift into ‘study mode’ immediately when they enter their study room. A room that gives the kids an escape from distraction also offers them the privacy they need to concentrate.

You should also ensure that the room or space you choose has adequate space for all your kids. You can get creative with several family study room ideas to maximize the available spaces. For example, you may have to reduce unnecessary furniture. Whatever type of home improvements you can do, do it to ensure the space is enough.

Some parents may prefer a corner or space where they can frequently monitor their kids as they study. Find a room or space adjacent to your kitchen or home office for easy movement to their study room. If you just want to be peeping through some open space, choose a room that has space that you can look through, such as a window.

Pick the Right Furniture

You did not need large mahogany lounges for the kids’ study area – keep it simple, yet stylish and comfortable. Remember, kids have to find the room to be fun too, not a dull room that quickly sets in boredom. This is especially important if you’re home-schooling because the kids will spend a lot of time in the room.

The type of furniture and how you place it will also determine how the space is used. Consider setting up twin desks for children in a shared room. Giving each child their disk will give them space for their storage. They can use the storage to keep their supplies. If the room does not have separate storage, girls can use the desk storage to keep their sanitation towels. You’ll also prevent trivial sibling fights over space. Shared study rooms are also ideal for kids to spend quality time together.

One of the creative family study room ideas, especially for a room without much space, is to build a desk in between storage. Not only does the desk fill in the awkward gap, but it’s also an efficient use of space.

Ensure the seating arrangement is set up to make the children comfortable while reading or doing school projects. You don’t have to redesign what they’re used to in their schools. Children used to the private schooling system are accustomed to spaces that give them the freedom to be creative. Their home study area should not be different. When it comes to comfort, ergonomics is key. You don’t want your children to start having back problems because of your poor choice of furniture.

A desk is the perfect piece of furniture for structured homework time or doing some work on their computer. However, when your kid wants to get hold of one of the Harry Potter novels, they don’t have to do it on their study desks. That’s why you should add a mitt chair for reading.

You should have a place where kids can store their books – in cases where there are no desks with storage space. A beautiful book rack is enough storage. In addition to its functional benefit of storing books, a rack full of books adds an appeal to the study room. An interesting way of storing books is using a book wheel. A book wheel is also ideal for small rooms.

When kids want to engage in shared study activities, they need a central platform that accommodates all of them. Therefore, a table should be on the list of essential furniture for your kids’ study room. The table and chairs are best suited for playtime and collaborative tasks.

Consider Lighting and Ventilation

The kids’ study room should be well-lit and well-ventilated. Make good use of natural light. A window is useful in these situations, giving the room both the light and air needed. If the room has no window, you may have to seek the services of a window installation company or professional. Sunlight through the window will also help remove dampness. Have the children’s workstation face natural light.

One of the advantages of natural light is that it does not cause stress to the eyes. Furthermore, natural light has a good impact on the mind and body. However, this natural light is only available during the daytime. You’ll have to use the right artificial lights for studying at night. The lamps or bulbs should be at the appropriate distance from the desk to minimize strain on the eyes.

Lighting is one of the essential family study room ideas because of the impact it has, including setting the right mood in the room. And while at it, the room should have the right temperature. A room that is either too hot or too cold will take the attention of the kids away from books. In addition, they will not be comfortable. Investing in HVAC installation will help in making the room comfortable by regulating the temperatures throughout the seasons.

Make it a Fun Space

As we’ve already mentioned before, the study room should not be dull. It’s not a game room either. There should be a good balance between fun and study, and several family study room ideas can help you achieve this. Even the best private elementary schools adopt some creative styling in their classrooms to make them fun learning environments for the kids.

You can start giving the study room the right style and look by choosing the right decor choices. Make sure the decor blends with the rest of the room. You can also add playful elements like a hammock, a ladder, or a swing. These items will make spending time indoors fun. You can also leave some space for the kids to pin their artwork. This creative zone could be a dedicated corner where the kids can also store their art supplies.

One of the creative additions for rooms with large spaces is to create a cozy reading corner. Use beanbags or daybeds as the seating area and add a bookshelf nearby for storing their favorite novels. Add loads of pillows on the seats.

Decor and cool seats are not the only ways of adding fun to the study room. By keeping stationery well-organized with smart storage, you’ll be adding some stylish elements to the room. In addition, a clutter-free room is easy to style or decorate.

Some parents have kids who are into music. The best way to make their study room a fun area is to place some musical instruments in their creative corner. In addition to helping them partake in their hobbies during their spare time, musical instruments can also help in motor skill development.

The last bit of adding some fun that you can pick up is using chalkboard paint in the room. Nothing will make your seven-year-old happier than drawing on a wall without getting into trouble. You can cover an entire wall with chalkboard paint or hang a framed chalkboard. The chalkboard will also create a school-like study environment at home. In addition, kids can use the chalkboard to teach each other some useful stuff.

Pick the Right Color Scheme

Did you know that different colors have different impacts on our minds? Therefore, these family study room ideas will not be complete without discussing the choice of colors. The study room should have colors that keep the kids calm and focused when reading or doing their homework. Use colors that spark creativity and that create innovative minds in children.

Soft colors of green and blue are good choices that promote calmness. Blue is also known to promote productivity. Brilliant hues can promote mood and spirit. Some parents and children may also prefer a specific color that gives the room an identity of its own. Some may prefer a common color scheme that blends with the rest of the house.

The goal is to use beautiful colors that still promote the right study environment for the kids. You may have to look at the best elementary school near you to borrow color choices. Warm and bright colors are recommended for elementary and preschool classrooms, and you can pick these choices for your kids’ room. These colors are known to complement the extroverted nature of elementary school children. For your high school or college-going kids, cool colors are recommended. High schoolers and college students can relax and focus on what they’re studying.

Introducing some types of plants has several benefits, including adding some aesthetic and natural colors to the room. More importantly, these indoor plants can reduce stress and boost children’s productivity.

Create a Space for Private Tutoring

Parents may hire private tutors to train or teach their children various subjects in the comfort of their homes. In such scenarios, the best place to do it is in the kids’ study rooms. You should therefore design these rooms with the tutor in mind. For example, Spanish immersion programs for children may involve someone visiting the kids for practical Spanish lessons.

Some family study room ideas to pick in these scenarios include the addition of study materials that may be required during these sessions. For example, a desktop or laptop may be needed. Ensure appropriate furniture for the computer, as well as seating arrangements that fit both children and an adult.

Hang Up Motivational Quotes

Although this is not a necessary addition to a kid’s study room, it can help inspire them. These quotes can help the kids be driven and self-motivated.

Work With Limited Space

Limited space may put some constraints on implementing these wonderful family study room ideas. In such scenarios, you’ll have to be more creative to create the perfect study environment for your kids. For example, instead of conventional furniture or bookshelves for storing books, consider creating vertical storage.

The same approach of maximizing space is applied when there is no separate room that can be designated as a separate study room for the kids. In most families or homes, the kids’ bedrooms will also double up as their study rooms. Being creative with furniture selection will help in creating enough space for the study area. For example, corner beds can free up the remaining area of the bedroom.

Parents have the liberty to design their kids’ study rooms in whichever way they want, but if the children will not be able to focus and concentrate when they’re in these rooms, then both the parents and the kids will be losing. A well-designed study room should consider important factors such as comfort, lighting, ventilation, privacy, and everything else mentioned in this article. We hope that these family study room ideas will set you on the right path as you plan to design a conducive study room or space for your kids.

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